TM - What's your favourite memory of watching another bands play live?
AK - The first time I saw Judas Priest in 2005 in Helsinki, it was great it was my first real heavy metal concert and I really enjoyed it. I also sawManoWar it was great from d starts to the Finish the setlist was great and there were no unnecessary moments.

PM - We did about 24 or 25 dates of opening up for Hailstorm in Europe Paris and it was incredible. Madrid was amazing it was just insane it was a treat to be playing with them. They have played with us when they came to New Zealand. We got a really good repporwith them said they invited us to Europe to open up for them it was like Christmas for us and a lot of fun.

We went to an island and the first night we got there we went out drinking and then we went driving down the road. I looked to my left and I saw this massive billboard and in my pissed state, I rubbed my eyes look again. It was us on the billboard and then we go play the show the next night. The next day we got told that the mayor wants to see us and have a chat.

RS - I loved watching Prince and George Michael play rock in Rio and then David Bowie was playing Glastonbury. We played just before him and me when we played Hallelujah and time of stage. David Bowie said to us that it was very eclectic and I nearly fainted I'm not normally Starstruck but I was with him.

We finished a show in Bristol and we had a day off to travel and the next gig was in Newcastle. We had a whole 24 hours off and Bradley wanted to see John Bonham grave because it was on the way and we were like yeah ok lets go find it. We got lost this little Country Lane and this lady was walking down her driveway and paul said i am going to ask this lady walking down her driveway if she knew where the chapel was.

In 1991 one I opened up for Judas Priest on the operation rock and roll tour in the United States, my mother came to the show with my family and she knew Rob Halford was my hero. I was playing as his opening act and she wanted to meet him. I said I will make that happen but it will have to be after our show, I took a shower after the show and left my mum sitting at the table and Rob Halford was talking to someone across the tent.

TM - Can you tell us a tour story?
TS - We got lost one night in tilburg in the Netherlands we went went drinking with these two guys at a bar called the little devil.
TM - No way, I love that bar! I went to watch Steel Panther in Tilburg one time and my sister and i typed in rock bars near me into Google and came up. We started walking down a back alley and i said to her this doesn't seem right. It was right around the corner. It has a sweet room at the back for gigs too.

MAX - I think Sepultura is more metal and sofly is more tribal group and kill or be killed is more Melodic with three singers. I think it's fun having all these projects it keeps me Sharp and relevant in the metal world each project. I gave my heart and soul too and Kill Or Be Killed we have a demo ready for next year so we will prob be releasing a album next year at some point.

BW - we are looking forward to trying foster beers! Every since we saw the add on TV we have wanted to try it.
TM - I'm sure you can try it in Australia. I love how they have all those band beers in Europe with Iron Maiden on it and other bands. I saw the beers in France when i was over at Hellfest.

The best part to me was influencing kids to make music last week. We played with great white under Ross and there were some little girls in the front row singing along, these girls were 4 and 6 years old. They were really little and my singer had them come up sing sweet child with us. They almost brought tears to my eyes seeing these two little girls come up sing sweet child and be a part of the concert.

Bad Absalom
There are 2 theories as to how we came up with the name, depending on who you ask. The first one is that it came from the story of Absalom from the bible, the son of king David and supposedly the most handsome man in the land. Our guitarist and singer dug the name because the story is full of revolutions and deception and battles. The second theory is...
We have done a lot of work on that and I have got a lot more to do. Probably two and a half years more of filming. It is not going to just be the typical footage of the band, We will also be interviewing people whose lives have been affected changed or touched dramatically by the band, so it is going to be quite an extensive and deep documentary.

TS - I met Dee Snider, except not when he was recording. He did the recording by himself. I got in touch with him, to me Dee Snider was always the figure of rock and roll in a way because he was flamboyant and different and he didn't seem to give a s*** about conventions. As a kid he was every parents nightmare. Not my parents, they are very old and my mother is still alive but the snow that was so anti-establishment and immature and that what I really liked about Dee Snider. To me he is a really cool figure in rock and roll. I went on stage with him about 2 years ago and I didn't know until two minutes beforeI had to go on.

DS - Bro-Am is our a local charity foundation and every year we do a concert on the beach and a surf contest and all the proceeds go to local charities. It has gotten so big that we had to start a foundation to bring all the money in and we give it to all local kids charities we are so proud of Bro Am it's been growing for 14 years and we have about 18000 people come out to the beach every summer.

LS - It is me its all me sometimesI help out Danny too. I have an idea and give it to a designer or sometimes I will just see it online and go yes that's the piece. same with had dresses I have done a lot of work with Hysteria machine and I used to make my own head dresses. same with the makeup and all the fine details. It is direction and my vision its very rear that i let someone dress me and do my make up.

I remember seeing Marilyn Manson playing at the lime light in New York City and not knowing if martians crash landed a UFO in the back of the pub that night. Marilyn Manson walked out onto the stage i remember him very clearly that night had no idea who he was everyone was like what the hell is going on.

We would drink a lot of beer and shred as hard as possible we would sit down and come up with ideas lever it was Riffs or the full song then we would sit down listen to them and see what we had on the table then we would pick out the best songs and start working on those a bit more and eventually we came up with a CD turned alcohol into gold

SW - A lot of people have covered my songs over the years and I think some of them are fascinating. I think what I love is when someone approaches the music with a completely different perspective, there was one guy who was a cello player and they recorded my songs is only using a cello and it was absolutely incredible. I didn't know this guy, I didn't know his music I was completely blown away with what he did with the music.

JC - I always know there are a certain amount of songs that we have to play, otherwise people will get really mad. Then you know there are songs that aren't really radio songs but they are a crowd favourite and you get a sense of that so I always try and do those too.
I went to a U2 concert a couple of years ago and they didn't play In the Name of Love and I was really bummed that I thought ok if there's a really big radio song it has to be played.

BFMV - There was part of the set when I was doing a drum solo and the band went off stage. Jamie our bass player needed the toilet he walked out the door and went to the toilet and the door locked behind him so he had to run all the way out the venue all the way through the crowd and find his way back on stage.

Maybe you can talk to James Hetfield for me and make that happen(Laughs). I really wish for the Australian people that we could have a big 4 show you because it is so special. Let's face it, all four bands have grown up together. The way I look at that I would love to bring a package, I am not the big man on the totem pole though. We have to make that happen because I love playing with all those guys I really do.

one time when we were playing in the UK I was connecting from LA to New York and there was a strike at the airport and that was the weirdest thing cuz when we got off the plane the airport was just empty normally JFK it's like a mad house in there everyone's just running around it's loud is all these different smells but it was like a ghost town
JV- Originally we wanted to have some graphic elements, but the record company thought it would be better to have pictures of us. Floor said let's do all these cool angles of photography and we screamed at each other and tried to look at an angry as possible and that was our favourite photos and we thought it was really cool.

L- We had a good time in spain and the crowds are really good over there, That was our first mosh pit. Another good festival was bang your head, we played in the afternoon and didn't expect people to watch us but there was a massive crowd and we got alot of interest from the audience.

It is our resume of our entire career so far, on our last album we were trying to explore different genres of music and we went in a really heavy and in a electronic direction and for this album we wanted to bring back some of the heavier elements and technical aspects. I was really trying to encapsulate everything that defines us as a composers performers and a band in general.

BP - There was an instance when Stone Cold Steve Austin was driving a zamboni one of those machines that comes out and flattens the ice. Steve came around the corner and when he did they were pipes and Drapes set up backstage. He came around the corner the pipes and Drapes covered his face and he couldn't see. Steve had the pedal to the metal and was going as fast as he could.

TM - Have you created The Duck Song yet?
CB - No not yet, but I think I am going to on the next album. There will be have to be a song about giant inflatable ducks. These days the duck is the most important part of our show. Thank You for the suggestions there will be a duck song on our next album.

When we did our first American tour in 2002 we were out with Hypocrisy the singer Peter decided to hire a limousine for the afternoon and emptied the bar driving around Manhattan. He came back 5 minutes before the show and he was so drunk that they had to carry him on stage, he thought he was singing into the mic but it was 1 meter to the left.

Yes we did, we couldn't have a conversation with them because there was a language barrier and we couldn't take any pictures with them they were very particular about their privacy. It was great we played ping pong with them, on one occasion Eric got excited because he was about to score a point and he wacked one of the balls and it skidded across the table and hit one of the girls in her throat. All of us immediately were like "oh no" and she was laughing it off and from behind you could see her bodyguard tense up and step forward but it was fine and the shows were madness it was great.

Isaiah now lives in a different city so once every three days he would come down for three days at a time and we will play and come up with ideas. Then we would take home the ideas and listen to them then the next time we meet up we would pick out the ideas that stood out the most and work on those and take it from there.

Argentinian painter called Santiago Caruso. I have always liked his artwork and I thought it would be a perfect fit for us. We gave him the lyrics a recording and he said he will get right to work. Then we got the artwork back we were blown away, I can describe black frost to you like this, Frost comes from the sea when Frost builds up on the bottom of a ship, it is really cold and that Frost can get so heavy, that causes to ship to capsized so we transfer that frost on to a human being it represents the bird and that some people carry around.

N - We were on a tour bus once that exploded. We were coming up to Germany and the bus driver screens us to get off the bus it was 4 in the morning and we had just gone to bed because we had been drinking. We got off the bus in our underwear and the bus just exploded like in a Hollywood movie so we went to a fire station and they gave us all these old clothes they had as we lost everything the gig after was canceled.

RM - I did the drums for the album I was finished over 2 years ago for my bit there was a real flurry of activity towards the end of the Kablammo! tour. We finished off touring Japan about two and a half years ago and Tim our singer stayed in Japan and started the writing process there. A bunch of songs that jumped out and it felt like they all fit together musically and lyrically so we all got together and the drums were recorded in 4 days.

ZP- when I was a kid I was a massive fan of the skid row albums. Michael Wagener helped work on the new album and he just lives outside of Nashville. I go out and see him quite regularly and he is the nicest guy you could imagine. We are going into his studio to do our new album he's really professional he's on another level.

I was doing merch for a friend's band one time, a young man came up to me at the Merch table and told me he had some problems in his life and told me he enjoy listening to Conan because he had a really difficult time. It really touched me, It wasn't even a Conan show and someone came up recognized me and spoke to me about how Conan. It had an affect on me and it has really stuck with me.

We all produce music for other artists as our job. We went on tour with Deftones across Europe and we thought, OK this is a big deal, we should just release our version of the album while we are on tour and make a big deal of it. At the last minute we stopped ourselves self-releasing it. I thought to myself is this the best version of the album it could possibly be.

Chuck was notorious tight with money and one night in Birmingham he was locked in his dressing room and refused to come out and the crowd was chanting, We want chuck, we want Chuck. Chuck refused to come out on stage till he had his money in his hand, so the promoter was on his knees sliding notes under the door and when Chuck had enough money he came out and performed on stage.

you know what, when I was 5 years old I had seen something on TV about kangaroos and Koalas and all the creepy animals and was really thrilled about Australia. I lied to my neighbours and said "oh I'm going to move to Australia" so everyone on my street was like to my parents, oh I heard you are going to move to Australia why didn't you tell us so I've always had a thing for Australians.

In 2010 i was on a festival and Parkway Drive were on the same lineup. As the guitarist had broken his leg he was playing his guitar while he was in a wheelchair. That was a real inspiration to me and ever since that say I swore if I ever broke my leg or obtained another injury I would also come out on stage and play.

His dog haha, He is great to work with. We have an intro into one of our albums, it is just vocals and machine guns firing. We are Canadian and we don't have any guns up here. He is American and he has a full Arsenal of guns, he took us into the woods and brought a bunch of shotguns and rifles and we got to shoot all of them. He recorded the sound of the guns and we added it into the beginning of the album.

The Bennies
TM - If you could pick any song title as a biography title for your band what would it be and why?
party machine that sums it up
TM - Anything else you want to announce to your Fans?
We are excited about our show it will be fun.
TM - Thank you so much for this Interview today, we really appreciate it.