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Waylon Reavis & Anders Colsefni Review

Last night we went to Crowbar and we got to witness a show that was full of NUMETAL MAYHEM!. we got to watch Waylon Reavis & Anders Colsefni crush it on stage. This epic set was accompanied by Kaosis, Sin Soto and PistonFist and they all played killer sets.



As Sin Soto kicked off the set, they delivered an energetic, eclectic mix of rock, metal, hip hop, pop and electronica. As Sin Soto played Takata, Mada and Kali's, energy filled the room and it elevated the mood for the rest of the night.

Next up was Kaosis from New Zealand. As the laser beams flew across the crowd from the dancer's hands, It took you into a trance and made the atmosphere different in the venue. As Kaosis played Hitech Lowlife, Dupstep punk, Throw Em Up and Smash The Rail, the energy in the room bounced off the walls and the crowd moved forward. As Kaosis continued to play, Anders Colsefni, the NeMetal godfather came out to play on stage and this sent the crowd up to 11. This band definitely thrilled the fans and made us fired up for the two headlines that were about to hit the stage.

Next up was a heart stopping moment, we got to witness two of the best artists we have seen in Sydney, Anders Colsefni and Waylon Reavis.


As Anders Colsefni came onto the stage the crowd roared in anticipation, the original Slipknot vocalist played "Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat" record from start to finish and we were psyched to see it live. As the set kicked off the songs were relentlessly brutal on the nervous system. The unique and groundbreaking tracks brought the fans to the barrier and the headbanging commenced. The riffs were hyper aggressive and the drums and monster screams filled the room. As the Heavy hitting crowd pleaser continued, the mosh pit rager continued, the tracks were explosive and you could feel the tracks igniting throughout the playlist.

As Waylon Reavis ex. Mushroomhead vocalist walked on stage, the metal horns went up in the air. Waylon Reavis played classic Mushroomhead tracks plus major hits from A Killer's Confession. As we kicked off the set with 1200, Be My Witness, Simple Survival, Numb and Our Apologies, the industrial sounds, bass lines and guitar riffs reinforced that these tracks were masterpieces. The heavy thrash riffs, and metalcore screams were mindblowing and the crazy breakdowns were insane.


As Waylon Reavis continued the set with Toung, Sun, Save Us, OWERTY, The Boys and I'll be Here, the bass guitar and drum beats added weight to the the songs. The intricate guitar chords and a pounding drum beat and bass lines filled the venue and the roars and cheering felt through the floor.

This gig brought killer pit vibes to the Crowbar in Sydney that amped up the fans from beginning to end. If you get a chance to see these artists live, go, Anytime, anywhere, for any song, I promise you won't be disappointed.

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