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Twinmusix talk to Nyves and Robin from VENUES about their New album and more 

How have fans responded to your new EP breakdown a venue?

We received a lot of positive feedback when we released our first music video for our song "No Rose For A Life Lost" which is also on the EP which was the first big song for us.

How did you come up with the video for "No Rose For A Life Lost"?

It was an adventure because it was our first music video ever, we filmed about 30 to 35 takes of the song but it came out perfect.

You are releasing your new album Aspire, how do you think fans reacted to this?

We have recently released two singles and fans reacting very well and we can't wait to share their whole record with everyone.

What was your writing and recording process for Aspire?

Our main songwriter constantin has all these ideas and writes all the instrumental music then Robin writes his own parts of the lyrics and then the rest of the band writes their own music.

If you could have any band play one of your songs which band would it be which song and in your style or theirs ?

We are One by My Chemical Romance.

If you could pick any song title as a Biography title what would it be ?

We are one because we all work together.

What is your favourite gig memory? 

When Mantar came here for the first time they were already very big in their country but here they were super unknown and me and my friends love them and we drove to the show there were only 10 people in the Audiance but it was magic.

Anything else you want to announce to your fans? 

Hopefully we will come to Australia in the future and check out our new Album.
Order Album Link Here -
Album Release Like Here - VENUES
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EST: Oct 2016
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