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Twinmusix got to speak to Josh Middleton from Sylosis about there upcoming album and more.

TM - What can fans expect from your new album Cycle of Suffering?

JM - We took a more immediate approach on the songs, they are much more focused. I think they are easy to get into. We haven't really compromised on the elements, there has always been technical elements to our music and the heaviness is still there. I think everyone's attention span these days is a bit shorter now with everything being so immediate on everyone's phone. I think you need to hold people's attention so it's more about getting to the point and making the music more captivating.

TM - What was your writing and recording process for your new album Cycle of Suffering?

JM - The band went on hiatus in early 2016, musically I was really unhappy where the band was. I thought the band was going in the wrong direction so I went on hiatus and started writing with different views. I started a new band and went in a different direction. I sent some demos to the record label and to management and they said this just sounds like sylosis why are you doing a new band. I just needed a new perspective and not get too worried and caught up about what sylosis should sound like and that really helped.

Most of the writing was done back then not long after then I joined Architects and realised there wasn't much point in rushing the sylosis album. I didn't want to just jump back in and try and do both bands. There was a long period of time away from sylosis which gave me time to reflect and reconnect with the band musically so I chiped away at writing the album over the years. I think we tracked the guitars in 2016 and tracked the drums in 2018, so it was very long and drawn out.

TM- Who designed your album cover and what was the meaning behind it?

JM - I drew the album cover and to be honest there's not really a strong meaning behind it. I did on my iPad on a lot of different flights in 2018. I did a flight from LA to Salt Lake City and when we took off there was a lot of turbulence and a huge bang That Shook the plane and after that I was really anxious around flying. After that I started being creative on my iPad to take my mind off flying. The artwork for me was a therapeutic thing. I am fine with flying again but there were a few years where I was dreaded it.

TM - I saw online that you only have two tour dates, do you think you will do a whole tour only stick to the 2 dates?

JM - At the moment we are being quite selective about tour dates. I think we are announcing a few more festivals and more touring into next year but nothing is confirmed yet.

TM - Do you think you will be playing in Australia anytime soon?

JM - We would like to we haven't really played properly there. The only time we played is in 2013 at Soundwave.

TM - Soundwave was a great festival, I use to go all the time. I wish they still had it.

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and in your style or their style?

JM - The last track on our new album which is downtempo. I would like to see Bon Iver cover it in their style or seeing Metallica cover it because they are one of the biggest metal bands on the planet and one of my biggest influences.

TM - That would be awesome have you seen them live?

JM - Yeah, in 2013 Metallica hosted a barbecue for all the bands that were playing Soundwave. I have seen them more then any other band. Lars was walking around at the barbecue but I kind of hid because I was too worried about being a nerdy fan so I didn't meet Lars. I meet James side of stage watching Ghost.

TM - I love Metallica, they are fantastic live. Ghost put on an amazing show as well.

TM - If you could collaborate with any band who would it be?

JM - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross from Nine Inch Nails at the moment, I'm listening to alot of Nine Inch Nails.

TM - What is your favorite memory of watching someone else peform live?

JM - Seeing Slipknot for the first time, they played Reading Festival which is where I live. In 2000 they were super loud, the loudest band by far and they were amazing.

TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

JM - Thank You for the patience that you have had over the last 5 years, I know have you been waiting for this music.

TM - Thank You for this interview today, we really appreciate it and we would love to see you in Australia sometime soon. We cannot wait to see what festivals you are on.


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