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TM - Hi this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Jeff from Slaughter, Thank You for having this interview with us today.
JF - Thank You for having me.
TM - Are you excited to come to Australia?
JF - I am very excited I have never been there and is one place that I have always wanted to go. I have just never had a chance to go there has just been too busy.
TM - Is there anything you want to see in Australia?
JF - We are really looking forward to coming there. We are doing Melbourne and Sydney and playing for everyone. Sydney has always been a place I have wanted to go what are your recommendations?
TM - From your venue you could go down to the harbour bridge and Opera House, you could also go over to Luna Park if you'd like theme parks.
JF - you know what, I have a 15 and 17 year old at home and theme parks are always on my list.
TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
JF - We are going to be playing a lot of our hits and a lot of the first two records and normally we throw in one cover song in our set. We normally do a Led Zeppelin song and we normally let out drummer Jordan do a drum solo which I think people are really going to enjoy.
TM - Are you writing any new music at the moment?
JF - We have been so busy touring. We are normally touring on the weekend and in the week we stay at home with our families. We have at least 30 ideas started but once we had started we haven't had time to finish or finalize anything. We were talking about penciling in some time to finish some stuff we have already pre-recorded.
TM - That's awesome, we can't wait to hear that when it comes out.
JF - Yeah I think the last album I recorded was back in 98.
TM - You have a limited the Wild Life box set can you tell us more about that?
JF - I couldn't tell you much about that box set but we are planning on doing a Back to Reality box set next.
TM - What's your favourite memory watching someone else perform live, can you tell us a story?
JF - I must have been 16 and I saw Ted Nugent in Michigan. The spotlights went down and the next things you know there's this guy swinging from a rope like Tarzan, one side of the stage to the other screaming his head off and then he disappeared. Then wam the lights hit him and he is above the drums he leaps over the drums and onto the stage and rolls on the ground and starts going crazy in to wang dang sweet poontang. I was going what the heck is going on it was pretty crazy and I was like this guy is pretty fired up.
TM - What was the first band you saw live and did they inspire you to play?
JF - I grew up in Flint Michigan and in our clubs you couldn't play your own music you would have to play other people's music. I learnt how to play guitar by listening to the albums back in the day compared to today where you can pull up YouTube and watch people play and are like that's how people do that. Back in the day you had to put the needle on the record listen to it and then go back and do it again. I wore out a lot of albums back in the day bands that I grew up listening to. I listened to bands like Led Zeppelin, Ted Nugent and Whitesnake. Ted Nugent was a great guitar player where as Jimmy Page was more song oriented I like Jimmy Pages aspects to music it really influenced me.
TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?
JF - Headin for a dream, I had a lot to do with a lot of the lyrics on this song and if you listen to this song it sounds like Led Zeppelin. I will say Led Zeppelin playing that song and a combination of Robert Plant and David Coverdale singing it.
TM - Anything else you want to say to your fans?
JF - We are looking forward to putting out some new music because everywhere we go everyone is like when are you going to put out some new music. A lot of people say Stick it to Y and Back to Reality are their favorite records. I am really looking forward to getting with the guys and writing some new material and we really looking to to seeing everyone at Glam Fest in Sydney and Melbourne.
TM - Thank you for having this interview with us today we really appreciate it.
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