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TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with John from Skillet, thank you for having this interview with us today we really appreciate it.

JN - Thank You for having me.

TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?

JN - Skillet is known for our energy, We are very excited and energetic. People always say they leave a skillet show feeling better. They say it made them feel good, that's what a skillet show is about. I always love the show, it makes people feel better about life.

TM - What can fans expect from your setlist?

JN - We always play the hits if you don't play Monster and Hero people won't be happy. We always do those two songs and we always try and surprise people by playing songs they wouldn't expect. We switch a lot of things up live and always do a lot of musical sections and people get a bit of the progressive rock side of skillet.


TM - Is there anything you want to see in Australia, like the opera house or the Harbour Bridge?

JN - We are always so tired when we come there because we do a lot of shows. I love Australia and I love the food. I love the cities and the people so I'm usually just excited to eat at a couple of good places while I am down there and try and get a feel for people are like.

TM - You brought out your album Dominion in 2022, how did fans react?

JN - It was great to have new music out. A lot of our fans said it was great to have this album to help them get through the end of the pandemic. People who had already been suffering for a long time. This was an album to help people see that there was a light at the end of the tunnel and to keep holding on and to press in and not give up. Don't give into fear, was the message of the record, that was the whole point of Dominion. You can't control things outside of your life, you can't control pandemics or you can't control how governments will react. You can't control economies but you can control your emotions, your heart, you can choose to have faith or you can choose to give into fear. I wanted to encourage people to have faith and keep going. I keep hearing people say that album helped me get through the pandemic and I love hearing that.

TM - What was your writing and recording process?

JN - We did most of our writing on zoom. It was very interesting and very unusual. We recorded in our studio at home and we were sending files to our producer who lived in a different state. We sent him what we recorded and then he would change things and add things. We did the whole thing remote it was very interesting but I kind of liked it. It got me in a different mind to record. I think I tried some things that I typically wouldn't have tried but it is always good to stretch yourself.

TM - Do you think you will and play any of your songs from your new album on your tour?

JN - I think we will play some new songs and we released a song called 'Psycho In My Head' and that quickly became a fan favourite, I think we are playing some of those songs.

TM - Are you working on any new music?

JN - We have a lot of new music recorded and we are hopefully planning on releasing some of it this year 

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be what song and in your style or their style?

JN - Metallica play Monster in their style that would be cool.

TM - what was the first band or artist you ever saw live and did it inspire you to play music?

JN - The first band I saw live was called Petra and not a lot of people know who they are. They are a religious rock band I am still a massive fan and I wanted to be Petra and do exactly what they did. I still listen to their music every week.


I grew up in a very religious home and my parents would not let me listen to rock music. I wasn't even allowed to listen to religious rock music so we were having a massive fight because Petra was coming and they wouldn't let me go with my friends. My mum said I will take you to the show and if it gets bad we would leave. Theystarted praying to Satan we are going to leave the show, my mom was really convinced that they were Satan worshipers so it was a really hysterical story. We went to see Petra and my Mom liked the show.

TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

JN - Thank You for listening to us for so long and supporting us you can't wait to come back to Australia and rock out review guys thank you so much.

TM - Thank You so much for this interview, we really appreciate it.




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