Twinmusix Catch Up With Mike from Corrosion of Conformity To Chat About Their New Album
What can fans expect from your new album?
If anyone is familiar with In The Arms Of God, it's up from that album, we have a few new band members and I think this new album it has turned out more aggressive than it normally would.
What made you want to re unite and start to touring again?
We have been doing a three piece band, that started as a nostalgia driven force for people who wanted us to play, after doing that we always expected to get back with Pepper when his other band Down weren't so active. Then we offered to play the same festival as Down in South America and talked him into doing a short tour in the beginning of 2015, to play some Deliverance and In The Arms Of God songs. The idea was to see if the chemistry was right, and if it was, we would make another album.
How did you come to join the Nuclear Blast family?
Nuclear Blast have a lot of other bands that we were in previously on other labels, they have also observed a lot of good people on the business side of things. They know what to do that's not always the case.
How did you come up with your album cover?
All of us really like to 70s artwork on classic rock albums, our cover was done by a company called Hypnosis.
If you could have any band play one of your songs which style in yours or there's?
I would have a jazz band do something in this style.
Can you tell us a story about touring with Metallica?
There is so much infrastructure of fans and human beings on one tour, a crew of 80 people and 100 local fan's blows my mind.
Why did you go on hiatus between 2005 and 2010?
We made an album called In The Arms Of God and it was really good and I like the direction we were going, we also co-headline with clutch in the UK, seems like we were going for a good run and that was around the time of Hurricane Katrina. All these New Orleans people rallied and pepper went home, then it was time to do the Down record and it turned to a situation that was interrupted by that. It was going really well so for reasons I decided to put out our own record on hold, that's what led to getting the three piece back together in 2010 and people wanted to hear our band.
How did you come up with your band name?
Our guitarist came up with it when he was 10 years old and always wanted a band called that.
Anything else you want to announce to your fans?
I would love to tour Australia again.
Check Out Album Release Here - Corrosion Of Conformity
Pre Order Album Here - https://media.nuclearblast.de/shoplanding/2018/CorrosionOfConformity/no-cross-no-crown.html
Buy Tickets Link Here - http://coc.com/