Twinmusix Chat With Paul Koehler From silverstein About There Australian Tour And More.
What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
We haven't played live in Australia for quite a while, since then we have put out our new record Dead Reflection. Last year we were over there supporting a different band but this year we are over to Australia to headline Our Own Show. It's going to be a long diverse setlist, we have a few different albums and are going to try and pack as many of those songs into our setlist as possible and have fun with it.
How did you come up with your new album cover for Dead Reflections?
The artwork is pretty different for this album, prior to this album we always use the same illustrator for all our other album's. This time we wanted something more modern and more bold, something that would stand out. We came up with many different concepts and that's where we landed.
Who did you produce your new album with?
Derek Hoffman, he's worked with bands like Stick To Your Guns, he is local to us in Toronto. Our guitarist Paul was playing a pretty active role and by the end of it he was helping co-produced the record. Andy Calabretta mixed it.
If you could have any band play one of your songs which song and in your style or there's?
Someone like Kanye, someone totally left field.
Can you tell us a story from Warped tour?
Everyday you are in a different car park in some state in America. It's got some days where it rains all day every day for weeks on end but, the awesome part about warped tour is the show always goes on and all the bands are treated equally.
Did you do anything special to celebrate your 2000 show in Kyoto Japan?
We announce to our fans that it was our 2000th show. Recently, we have been going back through the archives and looking at every show that we have played, to make sure we didn't miss any and making notes about it. We will be launching that online so fans can look back and see all the shows that we have played and the bands we have played with.
Your Album shipwreck in the sand came with 4 extra cover songs on the online iTunes Store. Do you think you will ever release these to album?
I think there would have been a limited edition version of the CD which would have only been released in America. I think especially from the first four albums there would be a lot of cover tracks or open air version's, it would be nice to collect all the tracks we have ever done and put them somewhere. A lot of our stuff is available for streaming now but not digital wise. We have 116 original songs, some of those songs you had multiple versions of and then we also have covers, it'll be nice to get our music organised in a way that everyone can see it. Sometimes it can be a bit confusing on how to get all our content.
Anything else you would like to announce to your fans?
We absolutely love Australia and have been there many times! We wish we could come back there more often but we come back as much as they let us. We are bringing some of our greatest friends on the road which are Comeback Kid who are Canadian. We look forward to coming over and hope everyone has a great time!
Check Out Comeback Kid Interview Link Here- Comeback Kid
Silverstein Press Release Link Here - Silverstein
Buy Silverstein Tickets Link Here - https://tickets.destroyalllines.com/default.aspx?Event=82159