TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Joakim Kaspersen from Neckbreakker, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.
JK - Thank you for having me.
TM -You are bringing out your new album "Within The Viscera" On December 6th what can fans expect?
JK - They can expect a death metal album with some hardcore influences that are very energetic and very powerful.
TM - Do you have a favourite song on your upcoming album?
JK - For me, I have two favourite songs on our upcoming album the first song is "Unholy Inquisition". I wrote the guitar part by myself so it is special to me and "Horizon of Spikes" it's the first song that we released and the last song that we wrote for the record the songs are pretty new to us and the other songs we have played a thousand times.
TM - What was your writing and recording process for your new album?
JK - The whole band tries and writes together as much as possible. We normally start off with a guitar riff by myself or Johan and then we take it from there so we sit around in a room and try and come up with stuff sometimes it gets pretty boring but it works for us.
TM - Do you write on tour?
JK - I try to write backstage or in the van whenever I have time. Sometimes it is hard to be struck by inspiration.
TM - How did you come up with your Album cover is there a meaning behind it?
JK - The album cover is based on the last single we did "Shackled to a Corpse". Our lead singer Chris and our A and R from Nuclear Blast Called Joe were brainstorming ideas and then they landed on the idea of having hands Shackled together. We got the photographer on tour to take the photo and then we sent the photo over to Daniel Owens who made it look sick.
TM - How did you come up with your video for the shackle to a corpse and what was your video recording process?
JK - For that video we knew we wanted to do a performance video because the other two we have done have been live. We used a company called Marshmallows and they suggested a bunch of different locations the location and we drove out to with all our gear and two Marshall full stacks. Then we found out that the venue was on the third floor so we had to carry all the gear up these stairs but it was ok because we wanted to carry the gear up the stairs because it was such a cool location.
TM - Are there any songs that didn't make your Album that you are saving for another album?
JK - There are definitely songs that didn't make the album but I don't know if they will make another album. We will see we made an EP a long time ago that never saw the light of day but there was one song off it that made the album.
TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be what song and would it be in your style or their style?
JK - I would love Morbid Angel to play "Unholy Inquisition" because it is in their style so if they played it it would sound like a Morbid Angel song.
TM - What was the first band or Artists you saw live as a kid and can you tell us a story?
JK - The first ever concert I saw live was a band my whole family is a fan of, it was sting from the police. I was a kid and Sting and Paul Simon did a tour together. I remember I could sing along to all the lyrics but I didn't know what I was singing but I knew the lyrics.
TM - What's your favourite memory of watching someone else perform live?
JK - My first death metal show was a band called Paste which is pretty big in Denmark. I saw them in 2018 at a local venue and that's so made me want to play this kind of music. Three years later we got to play with them on stage at the same venue and all of a sudden I was watching them from the side of the stage it was a full circle moment for me.
TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?
JK - I hope everyone checks out our album and listens to it and likes it.
TM - Thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.
JK - Thank you for having me.