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Twinmusix got to speak to Tony Foresta from Municipal Waste about there tour and more.

TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Tony from Municipal Waste, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.

TY - Thank You for having me 

TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?

TY - We are very excited to be playing there again and will have a very extensive set expanding of a 23-year career. The last time we were over there, it was awesome and it seems like a good time to come over and be a part of the party.

TM - What can fans expect from your setlist?

TY - We are going to play all the hits and we put out four records since the last time we came over. We are going to play a lot of old stuff and a lot of new stuff, so all our fans are happy.

TM - Are there any tourist attractions you want to see while you are here?

TY - I would like to see the giant koala again and hold one. I would also like to see AC/DC lane in Melbourn.

TM - You remastered Tango and Trash what stands out to you between the remaster and the original?

TY - Me and Ryan have a theory that the record never got mastered it was pressed right from the recordings it sounded a little different. We never got a credit from who mastered it. I think the label that put it out put it out straight from the recordings which was kind of weird. It was never mastered for either which was kind of weird that's why some of the new records don't sound as heavy as our new records. I think the new recording cuts through more and it's heavier, louder and more ripping. I think the guy who redid it did a good job.

TM - Who Designed the new album cover and what is the meaning behind it?

TY - We wanted it to look like the 7-inch and we hated the 7-inch art. Ryan didn't like it. It looks like some photoshopped chaos going on so we wanted to have something that looks similar with Kurt Russell on it. We wanted someone to paint it by hand that was the biggest holdup. We went through three artists to do the final artwork because we weren't happy with it. Then our buddy Ghastly McNasty did the final one and we were super stoked with it.

TM - You played Punk Rock Bowling, how was that?

TY - It was a reunion show and it was cool all these old fans came out it was a great rum festival it's been going on for over 20 years.

TM - You are playing with Cannibal Corpse in Europe what can fans expect?

TY - It will be insane we are playing pretty big rooms Cannibal Corpse are a great band I think it will be a lot of fun.

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?

TY - I think it will be cool to hear Napalm Death through Sadistic Magician. We talked about doing a split a while ago. We recorded for it but it never came out the songs got released somewhere else for some other releases.

TM - What was the first band you saw as a kid, can you tell us a story?

TY - I saw the Beastie Boys in St Petersburg Florida and my mom dropped me off by myself. I think I was 14 or 15 it was one of the coolest shows I have seen in my life.

TM - Did that inspire you to play music?

TY - Yeah, I think it did the Beastie Boys were a huge influence on me.

TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

TY - come out and see us and throw a trash can at us, we would appreciate it.

TM - Thank you for this interview today we appreciate it.

TY - Thank you cheers.

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EST: Oct 2016
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