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Max Cavalera


TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Max Cavalera, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.


MC - Thank you.


TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?


MC - we are excited to start the year with an Australian tour and fans can expect a high energy concert based on records from when we were young and a couple of surprises for the set. It is a really intense set and those albums are part of the extreme metal movement. I am very happy that me and Igor get to bring them back from the dead and perform it to new fans and old fans, you get to enjoy the third world trilogy with us.


TM - You Re Recorded your three albums Morbid Visions, Bestial Devastation and Schizophrenia how are they different to the original?


MC - They have the same spirit anger and attitude but we gave them a new fresh modern sound, a really good guitar and drum sound and they have more ambient sound. We didn't change the heaviness and dirtiness of the original albums so it's still very pissed off and angry like the original was, but it sounds a lot better. I think it is what we envisioned those songs to sound like when we wrote them but we couldn't really do it because of the situations of the bad studios in Brazil. We got to redo our albums and give them the proper sound they deserve in the re-recordings and we were very happy with the way they turned out.


TM - What was your writing and recording process?


MC - It was a very live recording experience, me and my brother set up together and he got on the drums and I got on the guitar and it felt like we went back to the old days when we both use to jam in our bedrooms in Brazil. It was me and him that started Sepultura so it was a return to the original mould, the brothers playing together. It was a very live organic recording and then we built on top of that. We made some overdubs and put some vocals in it but there is a lot of cool things we did like the drum sound similar to the original and the vocals are drenched with reverbs. It feels like I am in a dark cave and we kept some cool things the original had that we kept on the re-recordings.


TM - You kept your concept for your Album cover, that's cool.


MC - The Artwork matches the music so we didn't need to change it much. I think it looks cooler and more aggressive and I think it connects to the music.


TM - What was your writing and recording process for your new song Nightmares Of Delirium?


MC - That is a brand new song on our album. I used schizophrenia as inspiration and I listened to the record over and over. I tried to imagine myself as a young Max and if I was writing another song for schizophrenia what I would want that song to sound like. Nightmares Of Delirium is what came out and it is kind of a combination of death metal and thrash metal together. It is chaotic and has a lot of signature Tempos that changes between fast riffs and fast guitar picking. Then I had my son write the lyrics because he is good with words and he writes a lot of Horror books and novels. It is about a person who was committed to a madhouse and having nightmares in the madhouse and being locked in this depressive place and all the horrible feelings you get locked in this place. I think it is an impressive new song that could have been on the original record, it doesn't miss a beat and it feels like it was written in 1987.


TM - Are you working on any new music?


MC - I am working on you soulfly right now and hopefully we will bring it out in our summer which is June, July or August. It will be soulfly's 13th studio album it will be the return of soulfly, with a lot of tribal and groove elements. I am very excited for this new album hopefully we can bring it to Australia sometime soon.


TM - What can fans expect from your new Soulfly Album?


MC - I think it's going to be the Soulfly albums fans wanted us to do here after we made the album Primitive and we never got to do. The sound changes direction at that point but I feel like this is the continuation of that tribal sound we created with early Soulfly. I also feel like it connects with what is going on in metal right now and what I listen to. I like the bands BODYBOX and 200 Stab Wounds, so it is heavy and there are a lot of fast parts and tribal grooves, it is going to be an intense record.


TM - What is your writing and recording process for your new album?


MC - we are recording it right now so I am actually taking a break from recording to go to Australia and when I come back I will go in the studio and finish the album.


we are super excited to play Tasmania because we have never been there and to play the rest of Australia it's going to be a great start to the new year.


TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?


MC - I think it would be cool to have Judas Priest play one of our song, I am a massive Judas Priest fan so it would be epic.


TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?


MC - Get ready because it is going to be an intense set of shows and full of energy and we are putting everyone in a time machine going back to 1983, the beginning of extreme medals so get ready to have a lot of fun.


TM - Thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.


MC - Thank you.


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EST: Oct 2016
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