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Majestica - Chris


TM - Hi, This is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Chris form Majestica, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.


CS - Thank you.


TM - You are bringing out your new album Power Train, what can fans expect?


CS - Fans can expect a pretty cool train ride with a lot of variation and some cool power metal and some 80s style songs, some heavy metal and some faster power metal.


TM - What was your writing and recording process for Power Train?


CS - It was a bit tricky this time and longer than expected. We had a hard time finding inspiration on what this album would be so we rented a house for one week in the woods and hid from the world and figured out what we were working on. We came up with some good ideas and we came together as a band and came up with song titles and album titles. We came up with intros to different songs and choruses. We did a lot of the album work that week and got a bunch of ideas together and after that it was smooth sailing. We recorded it in our rehearsal place and Jonas is doing the mixing and mastering.


TM - Did you have any songs that didn't make the album?


CS - Yeah, we almost have a full album worth of songs that didn't make the album.


TM - Do you think you will release any of them?


CS - Yeah, some of them are good songs so we will definitely keep them in the demo vault and maybe in the future they will be on another album where they will fit better with other songs.


TM - How did you come up with your Album cover for Power Train?


CS - The album cover was an idea from the beginning before we had a song. We had an idea of what the music video would look like but we didn't have a song at that point. The whole thing was going to make a music video with a train ride with a lot of different people like it would be when you travel somewhere on a train and these people would represent different songs on the album. If you look at the powertrain music video you will see a bunch of Vikings for example and they are representing a song on the album that is about Vikings and of course we wanted to keep the theme to the album artwork. If you look at the album you will see different things like a shadow of a dragon which is representing the song "My Epic Dragon".


TM - What can fans expect from your European tour?


CS - Fans can expect a lot of guitar and choir vocals. Three different people singing three different things at the same time and a high energy and fun show and pyrotechnics.


TM - You are also playing Hellfest.


CS - We are playing quite a few of the bigger festivals. We are also playing Waken open air and Alcatraz.


TM - When can we expect you in Australia?


CS - Hopefully we can come down sometime soon. I have a web store and send quite a bit of merchandise down to Australia so I am sure there. I am sure some people will be happy people if we come down so I am pushing for it but haven't got any news yet.


TM - We hope you come soon.


TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?


CS - I am a huge fan of Epic Doom metal and doom so I would love to Candlemass doing either "A Story In The Night" or "Above The Sky", it in their style.


TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?


CS - I think people should check out our new album because it is like a train ride. It has a lot of ups and downs. I think a lot of metal fans might like it even if they are not into power metal. There might be a couple of tracks you might like, so check out this album and we hope you enjoy the ride.



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