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Twinmusix got to Intervierw Oscar Dronjak from HammerFall about their upcoming tour and more.

TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Oscar from HammerFall, Thank You for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.

OR - Thank you.

TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?

OR - It will be awesome, we can't wait to come to Australia. We have a lot of stuff to do before that. We have a big tour coming up in October, but once we get around to January it will be very exciting for everybody.

TM - I saw you have a upcoming tour with Powerwolf, are you excited?

OR - Yes, we have been looking forward to that for a long time. We haven't done a big European tour for a long time. We did a tour with Halloween in 2022 and 2023 but that tour was split up into a lot of smaller shows due to covid restrictions. We are looking forward to this European tour with Powerwolf.

TM - What can fans expect from your setlist?

OR -
We will add a couple of new songs, we haven't toured much since the new album came out. We have 13 albums out now so we have a lot to choose from, it is getting difficult of course. The setlist we do now is a mix of the classics that we have to play the new ones that we want to play and some other ones mixed in that are becoming classics. There is a mixture of everything and there is some fun stuff too.

TM - You recently bought out your new album 'Avenge The Fallen' how have fans responded?

OR -
The chart entries have been very good and it has been a big success. I have heard is a lot of people have different favourite songs which is good which means it is a strong album. If everyone zones in on one or two songs that means they are the favourites and the rest lay by The Wayside.

TM - What are your favourite songs from the album?

OR - I was always partial to the title track because when I wrote it I thought this is going to be a good song.

TM - I saw you played at Summer Breeze festival.

OR -
Yes we did a signing and then we did a special secret show, it was extremely cool and a lot of people showed up.

TM - I saw you did a special album for Sweden rock and you let winners come up on stage with you and participate, can you tell us more about that.

OR - The idea was anyone who ordered the album through Sweden rock magazine could be on a special single live from Sweden Rock Festival and they could come up on stage. They were included singing in the single, which we quickly recorded and produced and we sent it out. It was a pretty cool thing.

TM - What was your writing and recording process?

OR - Nowadays I write songs on the road, when I am on tour or when I have festivals or whenever I have free time. I capture inspiration when it's strikes and when I get home it may be gone. All I need is a computer and a interface and a guitar. I have this little guitar in my suitcase that I take with me everywhere I go so I can capture the creativity when it strikes. An example of this is 'Freedom' which was written on the road in 2018. We did a tour with Flotsam and Jetsam and that's where that song is from. I didn't put it in the past albums because I didn't feel it fit so I thought it was perfect for this albu.

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs, what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?

OR -
I would like Twisted Sister to cover 'Avenge the Fallen' in their own way. I think he would do a really good version of that he would fit that quite well.

TM - What's your favourite memory watching someone else perform live, can you tell us a story?

OR - one of my favourite shows ever was I got to see Manowar in 94 or 95 in Copenhagen. I love Manowar and I didn't know anything about their live shows and how loud they were going to be. We went early, it wasn't a huge place maybe 1500 people and I was right at the front in the middle of the barrier and that's where I stayed for the whole show. I hadn't been to a show that was that wild before, when the crowd started moving I had to hold on to the barrier so I didn't get swept away by the crowd. When I got back I looked at the my elbows and my knees because that's what I used to grip the barrier with and I had big bruises because I wanted to keep my spot but it was a fantastic show.

TM - That's awesome, we have all had great experiences like that. 

TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

OR - We would love to see everyone in the show in Australia. This show is going to be off the charts and we have only been there for one show before and now we are going to do 5 shows of every City.

TM - Thank you for this interview, we appreciate it and can't wait to see you in Australia. 

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EST: Oct 2016
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