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Grand Magus

TM - Hi, this is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Mats from Grand Magus, thank you for having this interview with us today we appreciate it.

GM - Thank you very much.

TM - You are bringing out your new album Sunraven, what can fans expect?

GM - You can expect a Grand Magus album the same as before. We tried to keep it the same in the heavy metal and hopefully, it will be a surprise. I hope everyone likes the music I am really happy with the outcome of this new album.

TM - What was your writing and recording process for Sunraven?

GM - We recorded it almost one year ago in and it was the same location where we recorded wolf God. The whole band stayed for almost a month and we were using a studio with a large recording room. We could play together and that's pretty unusual, because most bands these days use click tracks and you just do one instrument at a time but we tried to do as much as possible together. Then we added extra guitars solo guitars and voice later on and I think the result turned out a bit more organic.

TM - Do you have any songs that didn't make it on this album?

GM - No, we normally bring these songs that are going to make the album into the studio. We don't bring 30 songs and then we only bring eight or nine to the studio. We normally try them earlier in the rehearsal space and see if they work. We don't bring all these songs to this studio we just bring these songs, we will use that was the same this time.

TM - How did you come up with your Album cover for Sunraven and is there a meaning behind it?

GM - We love ravens and it is a mythological creature here in Sweden. Odin had two ravens Huginn and Muninn and they seemed to like the sun so we put the two words together sun Raven. It is not an expression it's just something we made up so the raven is flying towards the sun and we usually have old Viking lyrics so I think it looks good with the Viking in the back.

TM - Who designed your album cover?

GM - Our friend did it for us, we tell him what we like and then he makes some covers and we give in him instructions on which ones we do and we don't like. He gave us 5 or 6 different ideas and we chose this one we thought it was the best looking.

TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song and would it be and would it be in your style or their style?

GM - I would like to hear Iggy Pop do one of our songs, a are really calm one. I would like them to do 'Winter Storms' of our new album that is seem to be released, I think his voice would suite that song.

TM - What was the first band you saw live and can you tell us a story?

GM - I saw Entombed pretty early in their career. I'm into a lot of music but I  like old school death metal like Unleashed and Dismembered so it was great seeing these bands.

TM - What's your favourite band you have seen live?

GM -
I would say, Iggy Pop is the favourite person I have seen live. I think I saw him in Sweden around 2022, I went by myself and it was great.

TM - What inspired you to play in a band?

GM - I think Entombed continued to inspire me to play in a band. I started pretty early when I moved here to Stockholm Sweden from a small town.

TM - well that's awesome you started a band.

GM - Me and JB come from the same small town 3 hours away. We lived in the same city for 17 years but we never met. Back then we both became friends, 5 years later when we had moved from there the small town we came from was about 30,000 people. We went to the same school but we never talked to each other.

TM - Do you think you will come to Australia?

GM - we hope we come to Australia one day soon. We have talked to friends who have been there and apparently, it is nice but it is a long flight. Hopefully, everyone will love this new album and we can go there one day soon.

TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?

GM - Keep listening to heavy metal, I think it's a good way to get away from stress from your normal life and we hope everyone checks out our new album and likes it.

TM - Thank you for having and for having this interview with us today, we appreciate it.

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EST: Oct 2016
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