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Before we could even get close to the Roundhouse last night, the line for Lacuna Coil and Gojira was down the road and around the corner. As the venue quickly filled everyone took their position and were ready to mosh, this was a true double header of the best kind.
As Lacuna Coil came on stage there was a mist of smoke while the fans cheered. The band were in white jumpsuits with face paint on and opened with their hit ’Blood, Tears, Dust’.
Cristina greeted the fans, "It's so good being back here, we missed you but we didn't miss the jet lag. We really wanted to thank our friends Gojira for having us, are you guys ready for Gojira?". The crowd erupted in a cheer as she introduced ‘Swamped’.
Lacuna Coil delivered big chunky riffs and a deafening wall of sound packaged up nicely in their song ’Veneficium’.
The dual vocal attack of Andrea Ferro and Cristina Scabbia delivered a diverse sound that created an emotional atmosphere in the venue. They continued on with songs including ‘Now Or Never’, ‘Heaven's a Lie’ and ‘Sword Of Anger’.
Lacuna Coil finished with their set with the stellar song ‘N.S.I.O.W’, and what a way to end it.

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil

Lacuna Coil
When Lacuna Coil left the stage a quiet lull washed over the audience an electric buzz rang through the room, anticipation and excitement began to send everyone into an uneasy chaos as Gojira stepped on stage. They blew up the audience with their first track ’Born for One Thing’. The metal was running hard through our veins and we were ready to release it and rock with everyone’s metal horns beginning to penetrate the air.
’Backbone’ was up next and dry ice shot into the air as the song started, they continued the night with ’Stranded’ which is a great melodic hardcore song.
Next up was ’Flying’ and Joe jumped up into the air, flying across the stage. The crowd was head-banging, moshing, crowd-surfing to all of Gojiras hits. Gojira continued on with ’Silvera’ playing killer riffs accompanied by their clean and distorted vocals.
Gojira delivered progressive, and extremely technical music as they played on stage the production sounding tighter and tighter with each song. As they played ’L'enfant sauvage’ they showcased their brutal guitar riffs and guitar slides.




The riff drops in the beginning of ’Toxic Garbage Island’ which delivered so much passion from the group you could feel it increase your heart beat and people began a circle pit in the crowd.
’The Chant’ was up next, it’s a slow, melodic song leaving the crowd the opportunity to warm up for the next songs ‘Gift of Guilt’ which had intense vocals that swept across the room. We moved onto "New Found" which featured a growl in the vocals and a huge chorus.
The crowd started yelling one more song and the lead singer Joe walked out and responded to the audience ‘One more song? Are you sure? Are you fucking sure!". The crowd counter offered and started yelling “Ten more songs” Joe promptly replied “That's an interesting idea but it's not going to happen" and played Amazoina to send off and end the night.
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