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TM - Hi, This is Amelia and Elizabeth from Twinmusix and we are here with Chase from Gatecreeper, Thank you for having this interview with us today, we appreciate it.
TM - Are you looking forward to coming back to Australia?
GC - Last time we came to Australia we held Koalas and got a lot of tourist things done. We are going to be in Australia for a lot longer this time last time. Last time we only did three shows and flew between each show. This time we will be in a van and touring the country, so we will be able to experience a lot of the day to day stuff in Australia that we didn't get to experience before.
TM - You will get to drive long distances between every state Sydney to Queensland is about a 10-hour Drive.
GC - oh, perfect can't wait.
TM - When you are driving between the Gold Coast and Sydney don't forget to see the Big Banana and the clog barn in Coffs Harbour.
There is also the giant prawn in West Ballina and the giant ugg boot in Thornton in New South Wales.
GC - We have to collect all the big roadside attractions.
TM - What can fans expect from your Australian tour?
GC - The purpose of this tour is to start our new album cycle. We have a new record coming out this year by the time we are in Australia we will have some new music out. The new record will not be out by then, but you can expect to hear some new songs. It will be the first tour that we will be playing some of our new music.
TM - What was your writing and recording process on your new album?
GC - For this record, it took longer than we thought it would. We took off most of last year from touring to record this record. We took a long time writing it, demoing it, recording it and mixing it. We made sure everything was how we wanted it to be. The writing process starts on one of our computers, then we re-record it. Some of our songs were maybe written two or three years before we recorded them. The process is a long and involved process in making a new record for us.
TM - You have a tour coming up with In Flames, are you excited and what can fans expect?
GC - In Flames was a big influence on some of our new material. I am a big fan and I think people who are going to our show to see us will be excited that we are playing with them. We will be playing some new songs and some old songs. We are excited to see In Flames play.
TM - If you could have any band play one of your songs what band would it be, what song would it be and would it be in your style or their style?
GC - Something that popped into my head is Dismember and they are a huge influence on us. We have made friends with them and Fred the drummer, came out and worked with us a little bit on our record. An old legendary band that we are influenced by. They took us under their wing and are like you are doing what we used to do and we support you so that would be cool if we covered each other's songs.
TM - What was the first band or artist you ever saw live as a kid?
GC - When I was younger my dad and his whole family were into The Beatles and he got me into the Beatles. We would watch Help and Hard Days Night and I would just watch them over and over and I think that's when I became interested in playing music.
My dad took me to see Paul McCartney for my third birthday and they had already got me a fake guitar, I remember bringing it to that show. I was only three so I have very hazy memories so that was a big one.
I have another story, when I was about nine my uncle took me to see The Cardigans, when the song Love Fool came out. The song was on the soundtrack for the movie Romeo and Juliet, which set that song off. It was a pretty underground band that my uncle was into at the time and we saw them in a small Club with my brother and my uncle.
TM - Did that influence you to play in a band?
GC - Yeah, my cousin was in a band and got me into a lot of punk and skateboarding. I remember watching his band practice making me think it was always something I wanted to do. I was always around music. My immediate family didn't play music but they were very into it and since I was a very young age I thought it would be cool to play music.
TM - What is your favourite memory of watching someone else perform live?
GC - I remember a specific one. We were touring with Obituary, Municipal Waste and Enforced, we were playing at a show and there was no barricade, I was hanging out in the back and everyone was watching Obituary and we all took turns jumping off the stage and going crazy for obituary. That's one of my favourite things about touring, you just choose a night and celebrate the band you are touring with it's awesome.
TM - Is there anything else you want to say to your fans?
GC - We want to thank everyone that is around. We are not the most prolific band and we take our time with what we do. It has been a few of years since we had had new music. I'm glad people are patient and I would like to tell I have fans that we have a lot of stuff for you this year and I hope everyone likes it.
TM - Thank You so much for this interview today we appreciate it.
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