Frank Carter and the rattlesnakes
Twinmusix Interview Frank Carter From Frank Carter And The Rattlesnakes About There Australian Tour And More.
What can fans expect to your Australian tour?
Absolute carnage last time we went there they were the most intense sweatiest violets shows , we have ever played I think we were all a bit shocked by that, we were a brand new band and didn't know what to expect, we got out there and it was blood and sweat and and a lot of fun, we are coming over with the cancer bats and hope you are excited as we are.
How did your fans respond to your first EP titled rotten in 2015?
They loved it the fans are pretty happy for it to be honest, we were just started a band out of our garage for fun only just making the music that we wanted to make, at the time it was just aggressive punk rock and as soon as we put that EP out fans just went crazy for it they were so supportive and excited about what we were doing that it really lit a fire underneath us, that's created the drive and passion for rattlesnakes that has been going ever since.
How did you pick the band members for your band?
They are all my friends it's a simple as that, I've been in music for 10 years and in that time I've got to know a lot of musicians, I live just outside of London so I know a lot of great musicians, when I started the band I had a team of people I wanted to work with I called them all and they all said yes straight away so it was lucky for me.
what was your recording process for your new album Morden Reuin?
it was the same as the first we went to the same studio with the same producer, almost saw the same musicians we changed up drummers slightly, we get in the studio and have rough demos of songs in mind, lot of it was also written and demoed in the studio, I like going into a studio and not knowing exactly what I'm going to do so I have space to do things on the fly.
Who designs your album covers?
I design the album covers with Dean, I'm an artist and Dean is a designer that's what he has been doing his whole life, it made sense that design our covers because we didn't want to relinquish control to outside sources, we had such clear vision of the artwork and the sound that we didn't want to give too much away.
f you could have any band play one of your songs which band would it be which song and in your style or theirs?
Pink Floyd to cover neon rust.
What was your experience like playing at Glastonbury?
It blew my mind off my shoulders, I've wanted to play there for a lifetime, I never thought I'd get the chance to go or play, I thought I never go to Glastonbury unless I get asked to play there and 10 years later we got an offer.
You have played acoustic and full shows what do you prefer playing?
I love playing both types of shows I'm trying to squeeze a little acoustic gig into every show we do in Australia.
What's your favourite moment with your fans?
I always give my fans in the UK a lot of tattoos, I meet a lot of girls that are really happy that we speak out against misogyny and bigotry at our shows, we really fight for gender equality, so much so that we want people to crowd surf dance and party in a fair and safe environment.
How do you decide which songs are going to be singles from your album?
We normally choose the song that we think is the weirdest on now album or the weirdest in my mind, we like mixing up our songs and write a vast selection of different music.
Is there anything else you would like to announce to your fans?
If in Australia while we're there get a ticket to our show.
Check out Cancer Bats Interview Interview -https://www.twinmusix.com/cancer-bats
Buy Tickets Link Here - https://tickets.destroyalllines.com/Default.aspx