Dee Snider performed his spoken word tour in Sydney Australia at the manning bar last night and he took us through a journey of his life and left us with a Q&A. The show opened with Dee Sniders video clip to "We're not gonna take it " and then Dee Snider came on stage. As Dee walked on stage the fans clapped with excitement. Paul from Utopia Records Sydney was the host to this amazing spoken word show that was about to unfold in front of our faces.
Dee started his show talking about his experiences in Australia, he told us about visiting Uluru, driving down The Great Ocean Road and how he visited the Zoo today with his wife. When Dee was on the ferry he noticed two metal heads on the ferry and hoped that they didn't recognize him. When they got on the gondola at Taronga zoo these two guys got into their with them. They were talking about how they were from Michigan and they were in a metal band, Dee said well I'm Dee Snider and they said we know who you are and they happened to be from Greta Van Fleet. Dee had everyone laughing from the word go and we were excited to hear more of his stories.
Dee took us through his ups and downs in life in life and how he has had some of his highest points were he is touring the world and everyone knows his name to a point were he is earning two hundred dollars a week in an office job and pretending his name was not Dee Snider and how it made him a better person today.
Dee spoke about his gorgeous wife Suzette Snider and told us the story about how he met her when she was fifteen and was at an eighteen plus show as she had snuck in on a fake ID. When Dee found out she knew nothing about music he knew he wanted to marry her and she was the one.

Dee told us a story about Lemmy, here is the story Dee told us.
Dee - We went on to perform in the day time for the first time and it was our debuted in England. We had no record out and for some odd reason, we were at a festival in a football stadium. By default, we ended up going on right before Motorhead in daylight and this is true we had never done it. The Motorhead crowd are there in the stadium.
Then Dee interacts with his fans and says "Are any Motorhead fans here, I am a Motorhead fan, the old school Motorhead fans you would rather f*** the dudes". As the crowd laughs Dee continues on with his story.
It is an ugly crowd and were going at that point, it is 82, there is no glam metal there is just pure hatred for bands with makeup. A girl had got bottled off the stage at reading festival, Anvil was known as canvil.
They got bottled off the stage because those fishnet sleeves were coming out, full face of makeup, full costumes in broad daylight for the first time in careers in front of a Motorhead audience. They had heard about us but they didn't know anything about us.
We were backstage talking about it and the band wants to go on in Street clothes, they do not want to wear the make-up and costume and I say look I am as scared as anybody but I've been wearing this s*** for so f****** long. I fought my way through so many shows, I am not backing down. At that moment that God blessed Lemmy Kilmister walked past our dressing room and recognised the smell of human shut because we were shiting in our pants. There was no dought about it and he came in and said something to us and walked out.
I didn't speak Lemme at the time so I asked his management, I said what did he say and he said he is going to introduce the band. I said what the f*** what a cool thing to do because the headliner never comes out before the show. Would Bruce Dickinson come out, I wouldn't do it. It is Mystique and here is this dude from Motorhead, they were the headliners and he came out in daylight and introduce the band as we walked out on stage.
You saw the youth in the football stadium and you saw the cans and bottles going back and the Lemmy walked out and he walked up to the microphone and mumbled something in it and everyone was ok found out later these are some friends from America give them a listen. He gave us that window and we came out and did what we did, we pummeled them after that show it had one of the greatest ovations of our life.
Because it was a football stadium we were in the locker room after the show and 10 minutes after we got up the stage our road guy said listen and the stadium was still chanting Twisted Sister, then Lemmy came in the room and mumbled something else to me make sense Bruce Lee translated, I introduced you now you introduce me and I was like holy image some head banging geek from Long Island the suburbs of the US and I'm introducing Motorhead. My first ever and I walk on to on stage the place went f****** nuts. I got a change, I introduced Motorhead, I stood on the side of the stage and thrashed with every other headbanger in the crowd. Lemme dedicated America to me it was a game changing night for us and I and I don't know how I got to this story I don't even know how I got to this story.
Paul - Did you feel there was an anti-American cement the English metal crowds before you won them over.
Dee - No it wasn't anti-american from the English crowd. The bands though on the festival they had the flags they do where you are from. It said from America like a novelty thing but the other bands on the bill were like budgie and tank but the other bands were very resentful like who are these bands coming here and I'll talk to the crowd at the people were like oh that s*** won't fly.

Dee finished off the night with a Q&A with his fans. He spoke about the meaning of lyrics in his songs, his new album and how he would love to collaborate with Angus Young from AC/DC. Everyone clapped for Dee Snider when he walked off stage and it was a fantastic talk that inspired me to push through when things get hard as life isn't easy. If you get a chance make sure you see Dee's spoken tour in Melbourne on Sunday night.