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Bruce Dickinson front man of Iron Maiden performed his spoken work tour at the Enmore Theatre on Thursday night. As you walked up to the venue there was a line of people eagerly waiting to see Bruce. Everyone got given a copy of Bruces book, "What Does this Button Do", and when i opened the cover I noticed it was signed which is truly epic. Everyone had the option of writing out a question and placing it in a box so the questions could be answered in the second half of the show.
Fifteen years ago Mr. Henry Rollins did the first spoken word tour and it really put the spoken word tours on the map. We recently had Scott Ian from Anthrax do his spoken word tour and Dee Snider from Twisted Sister, will be here early in 2019 to do a spoken word tour one night and play a concert the next night.

Bruce came out on stage and started telling us about how his mum didn't know she was pregnant with him. He then proceeded to tell us how he got expiled from school. He delved into his university life and how he tried weed. He told epic tales about how his university room mate got arrested. Once he left uni he got offered 30 dollars a week to sing for Samson and he was excited that he was being paid for something he truly loved and he later joined Iron Maiden with many other funny stories in between.
There was then a twenty-minute break in the show to refresh and then the second half of the show where the answers in the box got answered by Bruce. He got asked questions an array of questions which he happily answered with knowledge and enthusiasm. He got asked about his flying career, Iron Maiden and an bunch of other things.
To finish off the show Bruce read a part of his book about his cancer treatment. Bruce thanked his audience and walked off stage. This was a great spoken word tour filled with fantastic tales, I am so happy that we got a copy of his book on the way into the venue and I can't wait to read the book cover to cover to have a greater understanding of the things he has been through.
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