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Sydney got to dance with the Devil on Saturday night as Avatar and Pyrefly played a slaying set at the Metro Theatre in Sydney.
Pyrefly kicked off the night and it was off the charts, Awaken and Numbers was the opening track. As they played the riffs were tight and the heavy guitars made us excited for what was to come, Alanis also played an epic Drum solo. Next up was The Baron, Redcliff and Silver Tongue. Pyrefly songs could be akin to the sound of Metallica. The intricate guitar chords and a pounding drum beat and bass lines filled the venue and the crowd roared and cheered.




Next up was Avatar, the show everyone had been waiting for. As the music came on the band marched on stage and John Alfredsson passed the guitars and bass guitar to Jonas Jarlsby, Henrik Sandelin and Tim Öhrström. Then Johannes Eckerström came on stage and the fans cheered awaiting the first song of the set.
As Avatar kicked off the set with Dance Devil Dance the crowd sang back every lyric and they Danced with their metal horns up in the air.
Avatar delivered more of an epic start to the set with The Eagle Has Landed, Valley of Disease, Chimp Mosh Pit, and Paint Me Red which left the crowd red, hot, heavy, and wanting more.
As Avatar continued to play Bloody Angel, For the Swarm, Puppet Show, and When the Snow Lies Red Avatar filled the room with anthems that would swarm your ears to lift up the fans, inspire, and fire up any metalhead in earshot.
As the pit was waiting for more we got to listen to On the Beach, Black Waltz, Tower, The Dirt I'm Buried In, A Statue of the King, and Colossus,
The intricate guitar chords and a pounding drum beat and bass lines filled the venue and the roars and cheering towered through the audience as Avatar walked off stage.




Johannes walked back on stage and asked the crowd if they wanted more. To which the crowd cheered with two more songs to finish off the night Smells Like a Freakshow and Hail the Apocalypse.
By the end of the night the crowd smelt like a freak show, and as we hailed the apocalypse the crowd left the venue wanting more.
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