Party, party, party were the words that were sweeping through the Manning Bar last night in Sydney as Andrew W.K. joined us for Pizza, parties and a fantastic night of rock and man did he put on an epic show.
As the lights dimmed Andrew W.K. kicked off the night with The power of partying and the fans were screaming every word, everyone was energetically jumping around, it set the night for partying and rocking the house.
Andrew W.K. stopped and said "Thank you, its good to be back in Sydney" as the crowd cheered and went wild Andrew and his band started singing eveones favourite songs, music is worth living for, ever again, Take it off and Ready to die.

Andrew W.K. guitar solo was up next as he picked up his massive slice of pizza he was ready to party and man did he play one supreme solo. As he played his solo the crowd filmed it and loved every minute of there show.
The beer was flowing and the crowd were loud and full of energy for the rest of the set, Andrew W.K. continued with hits such as turn it up, you will remember tonight and you're not alone to be followed by a keyboard solo.