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 Against the Current Review

Peni Parker, Days Like These, and Against the Current played at the Factory Theatre last night and they all put on an epic show that tore down the house. As you looked out into the crowd there was a sea of Against the Current t-shirts and eyeliner, everyone was dressed and ready to rock.

Days Like These played a range of alternative rock, metalcore, and grunge through their set. As the band walked on stage the crowd cheered and the night was opened up with Bloodshed. The energy that the band brought to the venue was second to none and the crowd was jumping along with the band.

As Days Like These continued the night with Foolish, Embrace You, and Luna the dynamic guitar riffs and vocal hooks made you want more. As the band delivered their unique range of songs we got to listen to High and Glow, Oblivion, KFAD, and Honey. The heavy bass lines, guitar riffs and thundering drums filled the room. As the band played their last song of the night, it was an Icon set.

Against the Current came on stage to a sold-out show for the first time in six years. As Against the Current kicked off their set with Good Guy, Chrissy Costanzas vocals were the perfect pitch. The explosive chorus made the crowd excited and every lyric was sung back to the band.

Next up was Wild Fire, Again and Again, Jump, and Strangers Again every song was incredibly polished and we were in danger of being swept away. Next up was Personal, RWTWT, Blind Folded, and Silent Stranger as the crowd threw their horns up high and sang along to every word.

As Against the Current played Lullaby, Paralyzed, Another You, Roses, Voices, Gravity, Wasteland, and TWSU, the energetic drumbeats and churning guitars through the room, and the heart-felt chorus spread through the room and we wanted more.

As Against the Current walked off stage the crowd started chanting “ATC! ATC!” This crowd was not ready to leave yet.  As the band walked back on stage and played Legends Never Die and Weapon they never wanted this night to end.

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